Thursday, November 24, 2005

Trust Jesus... That one phrase rings out in my heart and my mind, Trust Jesus. What does it really mean to trust Jesus? Is it trusting Him only when things are going well and life is rosey, or can we trust Jesus when all hell is breaking loose in us and around us? Somedays I feel secure in my Lords arms, I feel loved and I feel accepted, but sometimes I can feel the flames of hell, stoked hot awaiting my arrival. Then comes two words, "Trust Jesus." I will admit sometimes my trust in grace fails, and I feel that I am a sinner slipping farther into darkness, but two words ring out, "Trust Jesus." I cling to one statement that I heard from one of my favorite writers, "He loves us just as we are, and not as we should be, because, we will never be as we should be." I am at a crossroads in my life, and I realize one thing must happen. I must either place my confidence in myself and try it on my own, or I trust Jesus. Folks this isn't some trust that crops up in certain situations, but this is a trust that trusts Him in and for everything. I have indulged the flesh for many years, many, many years in fact, so it is dying hard. It is such a hope and comfort to read in Hebrews, that we have a Lord that understands, one that is sympathetic to our plight. So I call out to my Lord, come and heal my broken heart, open it up, and bring the real thing, like only You can do. I finally realize, that the only way that I can fully trust Jesus, is if He takes this stone heart, and makes it soft. This is a miracle that only He can do. So I am going to Trust Jesus. I am tired, exhausted really, and He is calling out to me, come here son, and rest.

Oh Lord, only you know the real me, only your eyes can see, what's under the veil that I have put up. Open up my heart, and bring the real thing. Open up your church Oh God and bring the real thing, Open up your children Oh God, and bring the real thing, take away the pain, and pour out your Spirit.

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